After the storm

After the storm

Did you enjoy yesterday’s storm? It seems like a distant  memory now after waking up to beautiful blue skies and offshore winds.  There is even a nice little ENE swell running at around 3 – 4 foot.  Don’t hold your breath though as the clouds are...
Barreling on the high

Barreling on the high

Todays Gallery Wow what a morning.  There were plenty of waves on the Northern Beaches this morning with a nice fairly sizeable easterly swell.  I’m sure that I saw an 8 foot clean up set on the horizon.  No one missed out on that one.  There was an inside...
Surprise surprise

Surprise surprise

There was a surprise change of swell direction this morning.  With yesterday’s onshore the direction has swung more from the east.  It’s a good size as well,  so that is a bonus.  For me the light wasn’t fantastic and I had to go to my secondary...
Finally on the pump.

Finally on the pump.

Yes I’m still around.  There just hasn’t been a lot to post.  But I guess you already know that.  I can only count a handful of days where there has been some decent surf.  So I have been as patient, as you have. It’s only  the last week or so, the...


Waves are a little smaller this morning in the 1 – 2 foot range.  Last night’s NE wind has left a little bump to the short period peaky swell but there are a few fun ones to be had.  The wind will get stronger today and into the afternoon making for a...