Not as hot

Not as hot

We hope you kept cool yesterday.  I guess the best way was to go surfing.  It’s not going to be as hot today but still in the mid 30s.  Waves have dipped as well.  But there were still some fun waves around.  Have a great Tuesday and slip, slop, slap and hat....
It’s going to be a hot one.

It’s going to be a hot one.

It’s going to be a hot one today.  They have forecast 38C for Sydney!  It hasn’t been this hot for almost two years.  I blame COVID.  But there is a bonus today.  Yesterday’s strong Nor Easter has changed the swell direction to ENE with a bit of...
Still March.

Still March.

It was a beautifully still March morning out in the water.  The cloud cover kept the wind down and there was a little south swell pulse early.  Waves on the beaches are around 2 foot with a bigger set every 30 mins or so.  Yes it was a slow morning.  But it was nice....


Most beaches are still under the influence of the recent rains.  Lots of brown water is pouring out of the lagoons and lake.  So be careful out there and look out for the grey noahs. They love these types of conditions.  Waves are in the 2 foot range and the wind is...


It has been a little unsettled of late.  Plenty of rain to water the garden and this morning after an early horizon light show the sun is beaming.  There is hardly a breath of wind and the water surface was glassy as.  There is a mix of swells in the 2 foot range and...